peace signs?

The town of Aurora has been conducting an extensive review of its bylaws for both temporary and permanent signs:

This week council effectively approved staff’s efforts and there was much rejoicing. Rejoicing particularly with respect to changes covering election signage:

Staff propose changes to the By-law that bring the provisions of election signs in harmony with the provisions of election signs in the Region of York Sign By-law for the purpose of consistency, better customer service and improving compliance and enforcement

These measures should effectively curb would be Roger Clowaters, as I commented on here: not to mention reigning in candidates incapable of giving a sober second thought to blasting out a bunch of tacky signs. Case and point from Aurora’s 2014 election: Pullano who spent over $4,000 on signs only to have his ass handed to him at the voting booth:

So with this sign war effectively won, I’m wondering if anyone around the council table even noticed the hypocrisy in the town’s recent school safety lawn sign program covered in this October 15th piece here:

Wait, so election signs are tacky and controlled, but these identically constructed signs are somehow considered “modest” and therefore okay?

Reinforcing its nickname The “Error” Banner the paper’s editor obviously failed to read one of their own articles from August of 2013: before approving the claim:

“This initiative is part of the town’s school travel planning policy — the first of its kind in York Region.”

Leaving aside the sloppy journalism of the Banner it’s laughable to believe that “modest-sized” lawn signs that have text reading “Please drive slowly. Drivers, be alert, children walk, ride and play here.” in a small font will be read by drivers and change their behavior. Especially if the same drivers are already provided with large, purposeful, strategically placed retroreflective traffic signs.

A great deal of resources are expended determining the warrants of this signage, as I touched upon in this post:

But tacky yard signs plopped down anywhere in town decided not by warrants but a first come first served basis will increase the town’s peace and harmonize with the town’s sign bylaw how exactly?

Perhaps a clause should be written into the bylaw that places a fine for members of council and staff that fail to comprehend how it is applied unilaterally.

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