Let’s eat safe, let’s eat informed

AuroraToday launched recently and I see they have a spotlight on local eateries titled “Let’s eat”:

The piece speaks to fresh food and community outreach but there is no mention of the establisment’s multiple dine safe infractions.

Strange given that this very business has been found not in compliance on not one but 5 separate occasions the last 2 years. The most recent being March 19th of this year:

Last year there were 3 inspections that they were found to not be in compliance, January 8th, March 11th and October 11th:

The year before that an inspection on October 12th was also a fail:

When you look at the items in question a bunch are repeated.

Note that failure to have at least 1 certified food handler or supervisor on site occured 3 times.

What is even more dissapointing is that all the non compliance items from the inspection results of 10-12-2022 look to be repeated on 4-11-2023.

How can a business feel proud in serving their community with this kind of track record? It doesn’t matter how many positive reviews you get, or if you are citizen of the year. If you can’t provide basic public health requirements someone could get sick.

The Era Banner used to report out these on a regular basis, but with that publication gone no one is picking up this valuable piece of local reporting, and it now appears that AuroraToday’s “award winning” journalist isn’t interested in filling the much needed void.

Openess, transparency aand accountability are all values I would assume AuroraToday’s Let’s Eat sponsor TelMax would want to see in the places AuroraToday is reporting on.

Now I’m curious to see which place AuroraToday features next as a quick glance of the reports and it looks like almost every restaraunt in town is failing the base level of regional health expectations.

Check out these 8:

One thing they all have in common is that they all operate within the self proclaimed “rudderless” downtown BIA.

With Aw Shucks also demonstrating they are a repeat offender this does nothing to depict an area that is improving.

Frankie Panini’s is one of these eateries and they just held their grand opening this past weekend. Off to a great start.

And it isn’t just restaurants, it is hotels, seniors living and even the Aurora Community Centre:

I get it.

We all should #ShopLocal and restraunts continue to struggle after the pandemic.

But as patrons we don’t need to shop blind.

Ignorance is not healthy and local businesses not only need to own their mistakes but demonstrate that they learn from them so they are not so easily repeated.

We shouldn’t be on the timeline where the majority of local establishments fail multiple health inspections and swiftly ignore them or pretend they don’t matter.

Empty hashtags #WorkingTogether and #InThisTogether are spread around town like germs. For these slogans to have any substance it requires far greater effort on behalf of these establishments.

I shop local, but have boundaries to ensure I am dining safely.

My rule is that any establishment that fails an inspection is off my list for consideration until such time that I can see they have passed two consecutive inspections without compliance issues.




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