Minds Closed Aurora 2024

CTV News reports that Bellevue House National Historic Site has reopened after undergoing extensive renovations.

As it is the former home of Sir. John A MacDonald, it is hard for me to tell if it is of interest to Clr. Harold Kim, who at the April 18th, 2023 General Committee meeting declared:

I’m against, uh, designating these homes and any homes that come to this Council and I think I’ll be consistent with that regardless of circumstances unless it’s a John A McDonald Home, and even that I’d be kind of…”

You can watch it for yourself at @ 50:24:

With this kind of attitude towards Aurora’s heritage on council it is little suprise that that the town has opted out of showcasing its heritage on the provincial stage through participating in the Doors Open Ontario 2024 program.

18 Communities are participating with in-person events:

Aurora has opted to participate with a mediocre digital presence:

Yet the town’s website claims the event is popular and even boasts that the event had 3000 site visits last year:

Yeah, about that. There was no in person event last year either, so these 3000 site visits are counted how, as website clicks?

The first digital cardboard cut-out stand-in appeared in 2021:

The last in-person event summary report is from 2019:

So what is going on?

I have attended, either in person or by way of streaming all of the Heritage Advisory Committee meetings this term and there has been zero discussion at the committee about this event.

Why is that?

Earlier this month staff presented the 2024-2028 Cultural Action Plan for council’s approval. Under Objective 5 we see an action to position Aurora as a heritage destination within York Region:

You mean like how Richmond Hill, Markham and Stouffville are participating in what the town has claimed to be a popular community event to stimulate the arts plus promote community spirit and culture, local tourism, economic development and tourism:

The town’s Cultural Action Plan objective goes so far to suggest the town will be expanding and participating in heritage and tourism initiatives while somehow simultaneously ignoring Doors Open.


Given that involvement by the town’s Heritage Advisory Committee is not welcomed was any notification made to council by staff as to the decision to opt-out of this event? Would it make any difference given Clr, Kim’s disregard for Aurora’s rich built heritage?

The lack of consistency, coordination and communication between town departments, advisory committees and cultural partners is a direct result of leadership’s inability to get the most basic of things done, but can talk all day long about how things could, or will be.

The town needs to stop talking, close its mouth and open its collective minds so it is able to attempt to do the very things it claims it could and should do.




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